Hi there my fellow readers, my name is Angela and welcome to my blog.
Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. As stated above my name is Angela, I'm female and I live in Melbourne Australia. I have a passion for design particularly in graphic and fashion. I absolutely love my Asian dramas and Japanese animation. For those of you who aren't familiar or have never watched any Japanese anime before then let me tell you this, you're missing out big time. I'm a food lover and I take great pleasure in trying new dishes I have never had before. I enjoy baking, cakes and macaroons in particular, however I do prefer eating over cooking.
Enough about me, lets talk about my blog instead. What will I be blogging about? Well, the answer is everything and anything. I have a wide range of interest and I will blog about anything I find interesting, feel like sharing or to simply state my opinion. The stuff I will blog about range from design to fashion to beauty, from Asian dramas to Japanese animation to movies reviews to my macarons failures.
My english writing skills isn't the best and yes you will most likely find spelling mistakes and sentences that doesn't make sense everywhere in my post. Please bear with me because one, my english is horrible and two, no I do not proofread. Hopefully my english will improve over the years with every post.
I will endeavour to post at least once a week, preferably every Wednesdays or Thursday and will keep this blog relevant and entertaining. As for the contents of the post, that you will have to keep guessing.
How to make an raspberry chocolate cake?